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AAOP Leadership

These are the committees defined within American Academy of Orofacial Pain. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
The Council includes all of the elected officers of the Academy and has full power to act on behalf of the Academy in the interim between meetings of the Academy and shall transact all business of the Academy, except the election of officers. The Council shall report its proceedings to the Academy’s General Membership at each annual meeting for approval.
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o The Continuing Education Committee will coordinate with the central office to ensure that the AAOP maintains it status as an approved continuing education provider. o The Continuing Education Workgroup will meet at least semi-annually including in person at the annual scientific meeting. All other meeting may be electronic or coincide with other meetings as opportunities arise. o The Continuing Education Committee will review the annual scientific meeting evaluation summary within five (5) months of the completed meeting. o The Continuing Education Committee will explore and implement options for modernizing the AAOP annual meeting by utilizing current technology to enhance the attendee experience. o Will coordinate with the program chairs and poster chair to develop and present a continuing education program at each year’s annual scientific meeting.
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o Provide members with insurance coding information on a yearly basis, broken down into ICD-10 and CPT format. o Continue to improve relations with patient advocate groups and explore exactly how the Academy can help and also benefit from these alliances o Continue with work on using the medical model for provision of OFP care and the training of our members.
The Budget Committee is responsible for developing a detailed budget proposal for the Academy’s ensuing year. The Committee is to present their proposed itemized budget for Council approval, 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
(1) The Committee shall study the Constitution and Bylaws and recommend to the Council any changes which appear desirable at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Council Meeting. (2) Upon approval by the Council, the Committee Chair shall present the Committee’s recommended Bylaws changes to the General Membership for approval. For ratification see Chapter XIII section 2. (3) The Chair shall be responsible to verify that Bylaws changes ratified by the General Membership have been duly added to the most current Official copy of the Bylaws, as kept by the Secretary at the Academy Central Office, no later than thirty (30) days after each General Membership Meeting. (4) The Committee is authorized to correct article and section designation, punctuation, spelling, gender reference, and cross references as may be necessary to reflect the intent of the Academy without Membership approval. o Ensure that all officers and chairs review and revise their sections of the P&P o Review the documents for errors and omissions, update as per new bylaws
Ethics & Grievances
o Continually review Academy mission statement and suggest any changes, in particular emphasizing the Academy’s ideal of evidence-based care. o Review any ethical charges brought to the attention of the committee or the council. o The Committee is charged with disclosure overview as well as evaluating potential conflicts of interest for all members in a leadership position for AAOP.
The Guidelines Committee is responsible for revision of each edition of the Academy Guidelines publications on Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders.
The Industry Relations Committee, author of the Conflict of Interest Guidelines, interfaces with Industry in a four-fold manner: - Protect the Public Trust. - Protect Orofacial Pain's scientific integrity. - Protect AAOP's professional integrity. - Provide guidance to AAOP members regarding conflict of interest issues. It is through the Industry Relations Committee that potential AAOP meeting sponsors engage AAOP initially.
o Review all applicants for membership in the academy and notify Council and Ethics/Grievances committee of any discrepancies or possible reasons for denying membership to an applicant. o Review the applications for Fellow Status in the Academy and make recommendations for approval to Council. o Review the applications for Life Member Status in the Academy and make recommendations for approval to Council. o Develop and implement a marketing plan or work directly with any ad-hoc committee or task force in order to do same o Review and revise as needed the AAOP membership application. o Attempt to contact all expired members within by June 30th of each year. o Conduct the annual new member and new fellow orientation at the annual meeting.
To match new members with mentors.
(1) To conduct balloting procedures for the nomination and election of candidates for Officers of the Academy and at-large Council and committee representatives as specified in the Bylaws for the upcoming fiscal year at the annual business meeting of the General Membership.
Past Presidents
Develop PT membership in AAOP and certification in OFP. Provide CE to PTs concurrent with AAOP annual meeting.
Professional Relations
Oversee professional relations with other organizations.
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Responsible for editing and distributing AAOP news, production of patient brochures and liaison with journal publisher
Encourage research in the area of OFP in undergraduate and post graduate programs. Review and choose research projects to be funded by the Academy. Develop fund raising strategies.
o The Pre-Doctoral Subcommittee shall be responsible for monitoring and recommending pre-doctoral dental school curricula pertaining to orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders. o The Post-Doctoral Subcommittee shall be responsible for monitoring and recommending post-doctoral dental school curricula pertaining to orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders and shall develop and operate an accreditation protocol for such programs. o The Review Course Coordinator shall be responsible for developing, arranging and holding continuing education review courses on orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders on behalf of the Academy. o Contact all members of Graduate and CE OFP programs in the United States. o Represent to council the specific interests of new members, recent graduates and participants of OFP programs.
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1) The Education Subcommittee will function to promote the education of sleep and sleep related issues germane to the academy membership, both in an advisory and cooperative manner with the academy’s program committee. 2) The Practice Parameters Subcommittee will establish evidence-based guidelines as they apply to the dentist’s role in sleep medicine.
Develop and monitor a strategic plan for AAOP.
The Website Committee shall oversee and edit the Official Academy Website and as deemed appropriate by Council.