The study should further the basic and/or clinical science of orofacial pain (especially non-odontogenic pain). The grant limit is $5000. Funds may be used for:
- Research materials
- Payments to patients
- Statistical analysis
The grant application should include:
- Abstract
- Aims and significance
- Background
- Study design and methods
- Expected outcome
- Budget
- CVs of the applicants
Section 1-6 may not exceed 8 pages
The applicant’s professional status/affiliations will be considered in the review process, prioritized as follows:
- Residents and Fellows in CODA-approved Orofacial Pain postdoctoral programs
- Junior faculty members (less than 5 years) in Orofacial Pain programs
- AAOP members
- Others
Timeline for Submission and Review
- The Research Grants Committee reviews applications each spring. Submissions for the next review session are due by May 1, 2021. Applicants whose submissions are accepted for review will be notified by email. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
- There are 3 possible outcomes of the review process. The committee may elect to:
- Fund the project
- Decline to fund the project
- Request that the applicant revise the protocol and re-submit for supplementary review
- Applicants will be notified by June 10, 2021 as to which outcome applies to their submissions.
- Applicants who are invited to revise and re-submit for supplementary review will be given two weeks to re-submit. If the revised protocol is not received in that time then the applicant may submit the project for the next review session (e.g. spring).