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Sleep Medicine Review and Update
AAOP Mid-Year Virtual Symposium on Sleep Medicine
Under the Direction of the AAOP
Sleep Medicine Committee
Friday November 6, 2020
10:00AM EST - 3:00PM EST
This is an update on sleep and related topics of interest and importance for the OFP practicing dentist. At this time this is more important than ever as OFP has become a specialty in dentistry and sleep medicine is an integral part of this discipline. More than ever the need to be well educated in sleep medicine and the role of the dentist is critical. This one-day course is designed to be an update on many of the important topics that are relevant to the patient who may be at risk for a sleep disorder. The dentist’s role in sleep medicine and in the use of oral appliances for managing sleep breathing disorders (SBD) has also been reinforced by the recommendations from the American Dental Association. In addition it is now well known that approximately 80% of people who have a SBD, and in particular sleep apnea, have not been diagnosed. This further substantiates the role of the dentist who is adequately trained to have a major role in the recognition as well as the management of these patients.
By attending this one-day course you will become more invigorated and motivated to continue pursuing education in sleep and sleep medicine to be able to provide care to those who seek help and are not always able to find it. Please join us in this journey in one of the most dynamic and interesting fields in all of medicine and dentistry.
PROGRAM (All times are Eastern Standard Time)
10:00-10:15 AM Introduction - Dennis R. Bailey, DDS
10:15-11:30 AM The Interrelationship Between Sleep/Pain/Anxiety - Elmer Villalon, DMD
11:30 AM-12:30 PM Pharmacology and Sleep Lori Reisner, Pharm.D., FCSHP
12:30-2:45 PM 1. Selected Articular DisordersEffect on Craniofacial Growth
2. Craniofacial Growth and the Influence on Airway Dimensions -
David Hatcher, DDS, MSc
2:45-3:30 PM Update on Sleep Medicine and Oral Appliance Therapy: 2020 & Beyond - Dennis R. Bailey, DDS
3:30PM Q & A – Adjourn
Synopses of Presentations
Dr. Villalon as an AAOP member has had a strong interest in the relationship of pain, sleep and how mood disorders participates with these conditions. His discussion will be an update on how these areas interrelate and present considerations for management.
Dr. Reisner is no stranger to AAOP. She has lectured at various AAOP meetings and will discuss many of the medications that are related to sleep, both from the positive side as well as the negative aspect.
Dr. Hatcher is a well know expert in imaging as it relates to the profession of dentistry. He has published extensively and has lectured in the US and internationally. He will do 2 presentations: 1. Selected Articular Disorders and Effect on Craniofacial Growth This presentation will discuss the use of imaging to assist in visualization and understanding of selected articular disorders and associated influence on growth of the craniofacial skeleton. 2. Craniofacial Growth and the Influence on Airway Dimensions This presentation will discuss the influence of anomalous growth of the facial skeleton, skull base and spine on the airway dimensions.
Dr. Bailey has been involved in the management of patients with a sleep disorder, especially those with a SBD, for over 30 years. He has been involved with both dental and medical organizations and is the co-director of the UCLA sleep medicine mini-residency with Dr. Robert Merrill. He will review the current status of oral appliance therapy and various areas related to sleep such as endotyping as well as the future role of the OFP dentist in sleep medicine.
Learning Objectives
1. Have a better awareness of the dental related areas that involve sleep medicine
2. Become aware of the pharmacologic impact on sleep – both pro and con
3. Understand how sleep – pain – anxiety all interact and what our role as dentists is in assisting patients with management
4. Be aware of the role of imaging and what to look for especially related to more advanced techniques
5. Have an awareness of areas in sleep medicine that impact our role as well developing areas that will have an impact in the future
The American Academy of Orofacial Pain is a Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. Current Term 1/1/2019 - 12/31/2021. Provider AGD ID # 218197
Total credit educational hours being offered at this virtual event are 6.